February 2, 2023

The year 2023 is a special one for Collier - it marks our 25th anniversary!
In 1998, Hughbert Collier decided to leave academia and pursue consulting full time. Thus, Hughbert and Gail founded Collier Consulting, Inc. The company had humble beginnings as Hughbert and Gail officed out of their home kitchen. The first employees were some of Hughbert's recent students from Tarleton State University. These few employees were officed our of an adjacent carriage house and would make frequent trips in and out of the house. Some projects were even completed using the dining room table.
In 2006, Collier Consulting moved out of the kitchen into an office building. With sustained growth the company steadily outgrew that building. In 2013, Hughbert and Gail purchased The Stephenville Empire Tribune’s (town newspaper) building and moved in. In the period from 2016 to 2022, Collier Consulting experienced some it most significant growth. The company doubled in size from approximately 20 to over 50 employees. The Collier Family started a sister company, Collier Geophysics, in 2018. Since then, they have expanded out of Texas and now have offices in Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
Looking back on 25 years – Collier Consulting is thankful to be celebrating our 25th anniversary! This milestone has been made possible because of the clients we have had the privilege to serve and the outstanding, dedicated scientists and engineers who have been part of the Collier Consulting family. Our firm incorporated in 1998, but its roots go back another 25 years – to graduate schools at Mississippi State and UT Dallas, teaching tenures at Abilene Christian University and Tarleton State University, a Texas Water Development Board research project, and work experience as a petroleum geologist in Abilene, Texas. Honestly, Gail and I never started out to have a consulting company; it was the furthest thing from our minds. Our goal was to continue teaching at a university and consulting part-time, but opportunities and challenges opened the door for full-time consulting. What started out as “offices” in the corner of our kitchen has evolved to where we are today. All of this has only been possible because of the trust, support, and mentorship of so many clients, associates, friends, and family. We are extremely thankful to God for His blessings and for all of you! We are grateful for the opportunities afforded to us over the past 25 years and look forward to opportunities that are on the horizon. We are excited for and confident in how the next generation of the Collier Consulting family will continue to serve!
- Hughbert & Gail Collier