May 7, 2019

The 2019 ASR for Texas! Seminar was held at the LCRA Redbud Center in Austin on May 1. This one-day seminar was filled with informative presentations, interactive panel discussions, and some really good Q&A from the audience. A number of attendees also opted for the tour of SAWS ASR and brackish desal facility on May 2. (scroll down for photo gallery)
What Was Learned: A growing number of Texas water suppliers are looking at ASR as a drought resilient water management technology. New projects are in the works. Rules and regulations are changing and new legislation is expected. Lessons can be learned from Florida. And ASR makes sense for much of Texas!
See full AGENDA here.
Photo Gallery from ASR for Texas! 2019
Below are a few select images from the seminar and the field trip to San Antonio Water Supply System’s ASR and brackish desalination facility.